Maligne Canyon Ice Walk

This 3-hour icewalk adventure leads you deep inside the canyon along its icy floor. Explore Maligne's rocky maze of sculptures, ice caves and fossils, along with spectacular waterfalls naturally frozen in time.

Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk
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Book Jasper National Park Adventures and Attractions. Jasper National Park, located in the province of Alberta, Canada, is one of the largest and most northerly of the Rocky Mountain national parks, offering a sublime expanse of untamed wilderness for visitors to explore.

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Maligne Canyon's Thundering Falls Turn To Ice

Witness Maligne Canyon's dramatic changes as winter reshapes the thundering waterfalls to sculptured ice.

Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk
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Melting Maligne Canyon Icicles and Falls

Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk Tickets.

Melting Maligne Canyon Icicles and Falls
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Melting Maligne Canyon Icicles and Falls

As the winter season transitions to spring, Jasper's rising temperatures lead to the melting of ice formations, icicles and frozen waterfalls in Maligne Canyon. The melting of icicles and falls is a natural part of Maligne Canyon's seasonal cycle, and it brings about several changes.

Spring Thawing Ice in Maligne Canyon

Warmer temperatures cause the frozen water in Maligne Canyon to thaw. This leads to the gradual melting of icicles and the release of water from frozen waterfalls.

Maligne Canyon's Spring Water Flow

As maligne canyon's ice melts, the water begins to flow more freely. The once-frozen waterfalls can transform into cascading flows as the ice gives way to liquid water.

The Changing Landscape in Maligne Canyon

The landscape of Maligne Canyon undergoes a transformation as the snow and ice recede. The canyon walls, previously adorned with icicles and frozen formations, begin to reveal the underlying rock features.

Spring Runoff in Maligne Canyon

The melting of ice contributes to spring runoff, which can result in increased water flow through maligne canyon. This dynamic period in maligne canyon is a beautiful seasonal change.

Shift in Maligne Canyon Activities

With the melting of the ice, activities in and around Maligne Canyon transition from winter ice walks to more traditional hiking or other spring and summer activities.

Vegetation Growth

As temperatures rise, vegetation around the canyon will be stimulated, adding more greenery to the canyon's surroundings.

If you plan to visit Maligne Canyon during the transition from winter to spring, keep in mind that conditions can change rapidly.

Inside Jasper's Maligne Canyon Ice Walk

Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk Map

A Few Minutes from Jasper.

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